Special Projects

The flotation tank was first referred to as a "sensory deprivation tank" by its inventor, Dr. John C. Lilly, in 1959. Dr. Lilly was doing neurological research on monkeys when he said to himself: "Why not research the functioning of my own brain?" To do that he had to deprive the brain of sensory input so that he could monitor its activity when it wasn't busy analyzing sensory data. The sensory deprivation tank was born.
The tank eventually became popular with people interested in stress reduction and began to be called a flotation tank. A person floats in a warm solution of water & epsom salts more saturated than The Great Salt Lake. Even the head floats buoyantly.
There is no sound and complete darkness inside the tank, unless you put in a sound system. The temperature is controlled so that the body does not have to work to either keep itself warm or cool itself off. The experience is as close to weightlessness as is possible without NASA equipment. The brain has nothing to do but dream. In the 80's, the Dallas Cowboys football team had more than one flotation tank to help players achieve relaxation with a quick trip back to the womb.
Of course, the Cowboys didn't have tanks that looked like this. The tank interior is fiberglass. Its walls are 5" thick. The air and water handling systems are not visible. Chiropractors appreciate the flotation tank as a tool for stress reduction, but prefer a different style. Some people get stressed out just looking at this one...
because they want stress reduction, not eternal rest. This little box is all function and no imagination.
But if you're one of those people, the one in million kind of person, who knows what a flotation tank is and would like one of your own custom built...
..then call Joe! He's very relaxed and easy to deal with!